Tuesday, November 22, 2016

How to choose footwear for the child

Hooray! We have a holiday - the child took the first steps, so time to think of that how to choose footwear to the child came. We already know how to choose walkers. Now let's talk about children's footwear.

Actually you do not need to re-read the mountain of literature that the nobility how to choose footwear to the kid. There are 6 main criteria of the choice of children's footwear which I willingly will share with you.

1. Material.

It surely has to be skin. Material reliable, plastic, well circulates air. Respectively perfectly will be suitable for the kid who only just learns to go.

2. Back

It has to be rigid and strong. It is necessary in order that the leg of the kid, in particular an ankle, was strong fixed.

3. Sock

It is very important that the sock was rather wide in order that fingers of the child felt free and loading when walking was evenly distributed on all foot.

4. Instep support

It is necessary in order that at the child flat-footedness did not develop. Pay attention that it has to be located under the foot arch. If you correctly picked up the size, then and the instep support will be on the place. And that the nobility how to pick up the correct size, you pass to the following item.

5. Size

In children's footwear there has to be "stock" somewhere in a centimeter floor. Roughly speaking, between fingers of the child and a sock of a boot there has to pass your finger. If the distance is more than a centimeter, the footwear means it is big. The best way to pick up the correct size it to lead round a contour of a leg of the child on a sheet of paper, to cut out and use as an insole at the choice of new footwear.

6. Sole

Bend a sole. Bends? It has to be bent not somewhere there, and in the center. Otherwise it will be heavy to your child to go.

Here actually and all. However, I still pay attention to additional elements.

1. Bumper

At some models on a sock the rubber bumper which protects fingers of the kid from blows is pasted.

2. The opened / closed sock

Personally I most of all like flip flopswith the closed sock. Some consider that in such type of footwear to the child in the summer hot. I so do not consider. They are closed not completely. Besides, it is one more additional element of protection.

3. Second couple

It is very convenient if you have an additional pair of shoes, it is only simpler. Let's tell, it is made of textiles. Such footwear perfectly will be suitable for walking on sand or the house.

Let's fix a lesson. Let's present a situation that you in shop of children's footwear also do not know how to choose footwear to the child.

So. We take footwear. It is made of skin. It's cool. We look at existence of an instep support. Now on a back - we remember that it has to be rigid. We translate a view of a sock - whether enough there the place for children's fingers? The sole bends? What is necessary. Now we thrust previously cut out insole - the floor of centimeter of a stock is. I congratulate! You made a right choice. It is a high time to make a birds feeder.

By the way, in what shops you buy footwear and whether you order on the Internet? Leaders the Bartek firm in the field is considered. If you want to have an idea of the correct children's footwear, can pay attention to it.

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