Sunday, November 20, 2016

If the child was bitten by a mosquito

That night in the depth of summer my child slept badly. Expiated, put bed. But he constantly woke up. And I too. These opposite mosquitoes continually buzzed over an ear. If only buzzed. So they also bit strongly. I for some reason was not pleasant to them. And here the child at me, apparently, very tasty.Is not present. You will not wait! I know what to do if the child was bitten by a mosquito!

And you know what to do if the child was bitten by a mosquito? Now I will tell.

1. Moskity grid
First of all let's try to do without chemistry. If you have no mosquito grid - surely put. If is, but through it all the sameclimb
mosquitoes, perhaps there holes and its it is time to update?
2. Means from mosquitoes
If did not help or you go, say, to the country with the child, then we read article about that as it is better to travel with children and we pass to heavy artillery. We go to a drugstore behind means from mosquitoes. For certain the druggist will advise you something from ointments, sprays or oils.

Refuse sprays better. First the child him will breathe when you spray. Secondly, it can get to the kid into eyes.
If the kid has no allergy, then it is possible to try essential oil. It harmlessly and not bad helps.
One more option is an ointment. It is, as a rule, put before an exit to the street.

3. Traditional medicine
The mother-in-law advised me such means in case the child was bitten by a mosquito: we take a tube of children's cream, we add 2-3 packs of vanillin to contents, we mix and we apply on the child's skin. Mosquitoes are afraid of vanillin and therefore will not touch the kid.

4. Fumigant injector
Somehow I watched transmission with doctor Komarovsky. In it he insisted not to use the fumigant injector in the presence of children. It is very unhealthy the child. But... If to include fumigarot for an hour, to go for a walk on the street so far, and then properly to air the room, then nothing terrible.
That you understood as far as it is harmful to the child. Even if you buy the children's fumigant injector (Nekusayka) and look at the instruction, then you will see in it the inscription "if in the room in which the fumigant injector is switched on there is an aquarium, densely close a cover for the period of its work". What it speaks about? That if you do not make it, then your small fishes can be gone. And now think of the child.

5. A bracelet from mosquitoes
In Mothercare magic bracelets from mosquitoes are on sale. Frankly speaking, I only heard about them. But it was necessary to use never. If suddenly you used, leave please in comments a comment. You would like to know as it.

If the mosquito after all bit...
1. Smearthe inflamed parts of the body cream. It can be the Rescuer, Fenistil, Psilo-balzam.
2. We wait so far the inflammation will pass. As a rule 2-3 days will be required.

Generally, now you know what to do if the child was bitten by a mosquito. The main thing - be not nervous. You know as the mood of mother is transferred to the child. If you have any way about which I did not tell - share it in comments.

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